Week 24: New Investigator, getting lost, and 6 month mark!

Hoi Iedereen!

This week was fantastic! We were super busy and had tons of wonderen en grappias, so here it goes!
. We had 3 dinner appointments this week with American families #enchiladasandpeachcobler
. We are meeting with this lady who is the mother of 7 kids! She is amazing! We taught a first lesson and she wants to learn more!
. Me and Zr. Haynie got to go on splits this week for the day of service! We went langs de deur in Den Haag collecting food for the food bank. We also got oliebollen to celebrate our 6 month mark together!
. For one of the #LightTheWorld days we got permission to call our ‘mission parents’. I had a great conversation with Zr. Abbott! It was so fun to hear from her! I’m excited because I get to see her this week at Zone Conference as well!
. We got loempias (spring rolls) this week at a stand outside of the Jumbo (a grocerey store here). The guys who runs it accepted an invitation to our ward christmas music concert, and wants to bring his whole family!
. We taught a 1st lesson with the Elders this week…in a George Clooney themed restaurant. But, the spirit was SUPER strong and she wanted to read the BvM and come to church the next day.
. Flash forward to the next day. This girl came to church, and stayed for 5 HOURS!!!! She stayed for both wards because she liked it so much! Who voluntarily stays that long at church?!? She is super positive, and we’re excited to teach her some more πŸ™‚ She’s this super cute 18 year old girl who is so excited to learn more!
. We finally finished teaching the 1st lesson with our other investigator. She’s been pretty distracted the last couple of times we’ve been over there, but we finally got through it with her. She committed to reading and praying about the Book of Mormon!
. We got lost late at night in Den Haag trying to get to a dinner appointment. We got off the tram and looked at our map…and saw this (look at pics below). Yeah, they lived right in the hole lol. We wondered around for a little bit hoping to find it by chance, but didn’t. So, we decided to call them right? Well, that’s when our phone decided to ‘give up the ghost’, so we had to go langs de deur until we found someone who would let us use their phone. In the end, we did make it to the appointment….just 20 minutes late πŸ™‚ It was definitely an adventure though!
. Yeah, so like I said before, our phone has been having issues. It will randomly turn off and refuse to turn on for a couple of hours. It always seems to do it when we actually need it haha! That’s definitely been funny this week πŸ™‚
. There was a tram/bus strike in Den Haag this week, so it took us 4 hours to get from Zoetermeer to the Den Haag church! (usually takes like 35 minutes). We were stranded at the station in Den Haag and had to walk. But we got lost, so President and ZUster Bunnell had to come and find us and pick us up. THEN they got lost trying to get to the church. It was actually really funny! But, we did eventually make it πŸ™‚ We’re not sure what the strike was specifically for, but none of the trams and buses were running. A lot of the trams would drive their routes but refuse to stop at any of the stations and open their doors. Kind of annoying, but whatever.
. We had 2 dinner appointments in one night back to back. That was waaaaay too much! I don’t recommend that! You couldn’t really enjoy that last dinner… πŸ™‚
. Haha, so I also lead the music in sacrament meeting yesterday! That was definitely a grappia because I really had no idea what I was doing!
I hope you all have an amazing week! Don’t forget to #VerlichtDeWereld this week!
Liefs, Zuster Mangum
.water damaged map and working on the farm!

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